Why Dental Hygiene is Important For Cats

Proper dental hygiene is crucial for the overall health and well-being of our feline companions. Just like humans, cats can suffer from dental issues such as cavities, extractions, bad breath, and gingivitis. Neglecting their dental care can lead to pain and even serious health complications. Before visiting St. Francis Hospital for Animals in Oakdale, NY, for care, learn about why dental hygiene is important for cats below:

Preventing Dental Issues

Regular dental care helps prevent common dental problems in cats. Brushing your cat's teeth regularly and providing appropriate dental treats and toys can help remove plaque and tartar buildup. Not only that, but it also reduces the risk of cavities and gingivitis. Additionally, when you visit our veterinarians annually for a dental check-up, we can catch any developing issues early. These visits also help prevent the need for more invasive procedures, such as extractions.

Avoiding Pain and Discomfort

Untreated dental problems can cause significant pain and discomfort for cats. Our feline companions can experience toothaches, gum inflammation, and oral infections just like we can. These issues may affect their ability to eat, groom themselves, and enjoy their daily activities. By prioritizing dental hygiene, cat owners can minimize any discomfort and help their pets feel their best.

Eliminating Bad Breath

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is often a sign of underlying dental issues in cats. Plaque and tartar buildup can harbor bacteria that produce foul odors, causing your cat's breath to become unpleasant. Addressing the root cause of bad breath through regular dental care can not only improve your cat's oral hygiene but also enhances his or her quality of life.

Preventing Gingivitis

Gingivitis, or inflammation of the gums, can result from poor oral hygiene. If left untreated, gingivitis can progress to more severe forms of periodontal disease, which can cause pain and tooth loss. When you regularly brush your feline’s teeth and schedule routine dental exams, you can prevent gingivitis and keep your cat’s gums healthy.

Contact St. Francis Hospital for Animals for an Appointment Today

At St. Francis Hospital for Animals in Oakdale, NY, we understand the importance of dental hygiene for cats. Our team offers comprehensive dental care services, including cleanings, extractions, and treatment for dental issues. If you notice signs of dental problems in your cat, contact our office at (631) 567-1359 today. With personalized care, we can reduce any discomfort and improve your pet’s well-being. When you need a veterinarian near me, our team is happy to assist!

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